Master Evan Im

Master Evan Im's Background

  • 6th Dan Moodukwon

  • 4th Dan Kukkiwon

Professional Achievements

  • B.S. Economics, San Jose State University

Master Evan Im began training at the age of 5 with the honorable Grand Master Choi at the Quimby location up until the rank of red belt. He then moved to Orange county and restarted his training from a white belt to a red belt. Later, he moved back to the Bay Area where he came to Leejon and continued his training under Grand Master Ortez from red belt going through Leejon's rigorous red belt and IT training in preparation to test for his Black Belt.
Master Evan Im has competed in local, national, and international competitions and developed quite an impressive and respected resume as a fighter and martial artist. His “never give up” attitude is a strong representation of his long journey through the ranks to his current rank and status. His patience and passion for the art along with his understanding of how difficult the journey may be at times has made him an outstanding instructor.
We are so proud of him and honored to have him as part of our Leejon family.